Cognitive training of learning skills for students
Work strategies and learning techniques: After a careful determination of the problems and deficits, work and learning techniques are imparted and achievement motivation and concentration is trained.
Therapy for legasthenia and dyscalculia (developmental disorders of scholastic skills according to the World Health Organisation WHO):
Legasthenia (dyslexia) is the inherent weakness of humans of average to above average intelligence to learn fluent reading and orthographically (in regard to spelling rules) correct writing. The causes for legasthenia can be found in the intake and storage of information of the brain. The trainings- and therapy program DYBUSTER was developed by Prof. M. Gross at the ETH Zurich. This program is also offered at the Center for Psychology and Behavioral Therapy.
Dyscalculia (a math learning disability and developmental disorder of scholastic skills according to WHO) can also be diagnosed with psychologic testing and treated at our center as well.