School psychological clarifications & intervention
(including psychological diagnostics with testing)
Analysis of potential in the case of special talents (‘highly talented students’)
Clarification and counselling in context with school enrolment (early enrolment in school)
Clarification of dyslexia, a specific and persistent learning disability affecting the acquisition and development of the written language code (diagnosis F81.0 ICD-10)
Clarification of dyscalculia, a difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, and learning facts in mathematics (diagnosis F 81.2 of ICD-10)
Clarification of behavioral disorders (refusal to attend class, aggressive social behavior etc.). Visitation at school is also possible.
Clarification of AD(H)S and POS in children (possibly with the cooperation of your family doctor). For this, general as well as more specific procedures such as HAWIK-IV, clinical interviews, explorative talks, questionnaires and checklists, perception and attention diagnostics incl. PC-supported testing such as KITAP ect. can be applied.
Global development assessments: cognition, language, socioemotional, behavior and adaptation
Pedagogical intervention with children with learning difficulties
Clarification of AD(H)S in adults
Psychodiagnostics in case of suspicion of depression, anxiety, obsessional and eating disorders in children, adolescents and adults