Patrizia Heim
Lic. Phil. Patrizia Heim Schaeren, Professional psychologist for psychotherapy FSP. Psychotherapist for Integrative Body Psychotherapy IBP, born in 1982, Mother of two grown up daughters, lives in Walchwil/Zug.
Tel: +41 76 349 24 25 | Mail:

Individual therapy
Couples therapy
Parents and family talks
Academic background
Matura-bound Primary Teacher Education in Biel (1982-1984)
Study of Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology and Ethnology at the Universities of Freiburg and Bern (1992-1999)
Psychotherapy training at the University of Bern with cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal focus (Prof. Dr. Klaus Grawe 2000-2006)
Advanced training in Integrative Body Psychotherapy (Dr. Markus Fischer, IBP- Institute, Winterthur 2005-2011)
Training of Emotional Competences (TEK, Prof. Dr. Matthias Berking, University of Bern 2006)
Further education: Lifespan Integration (Integrating Unfinished Stories and Trauma Treatment, Peggy Pace, USA 2010)
Integrative counseling for couples (Verena Blum, IBP Institute, Winterthur 2011)
Continuation of education in Psycho Therapy with Ego States (Lichtenegger, Schönborn and Felleiter, 2011/2012)
Continuation of education in sexcorporel (Institution for clinical sexology und sexual therapy, Zurich; 2012-2014)
Certified EMDR-Therapist since 2018 (European EMDR Institution)
Course Spiritual Coaching (Anna Gamma Institution, Zen and Leadership, Luzern, 2016 to today)
Emotion focused Couple Therapy inspired by Sue Johnson (Dimitrij Samoilow, 2018 to today).
Professional occupation
Work as a social worker in the upper school board Sonnhalde in Celerina (1985-87)
Teacher for hotel manager assistants (1987-1992)
Supervisor of mentally and physically handicapped adults in Samedan (1992-93)
Occupation as social pedagogue in Heimgarten Observatory, a pedagogical and therapeutic institution for young women in crisis situations (1994-1997)
Apprenticeship as Psychotherapist in the Crisis Intervention Center of UPD Bern (2000)
Apprenticeship as Psychotherapist in the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics Solothurn and Olten (2001-2002)
Psychotherapist at the psychological service of the Swiss Paraplegic Center in Nottwil (2002-2012)
Psychotherapist at the Psycho Therapeutical Office for singles, couples and families in Altdorf, Uri (of the Women
Therapist’s Office Association, 2012 to today)
Psychotherapeutic practice in Zug and Baar (2009 to today)
Federation of Swiss Psychologists, FSP
Swiss Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, SGVT
Association for Integrative Body Psychotherapy, IBP
Associated psychotherapists from Zug, aZP
Association of Psychotherapists Central Switzerland, VPZ
EMDR trade association
License to practice as a psychotherapist in the cantons of Zug, Lucerne and Uri
Recognition by supplementary health insurance (Santésuisse) and disability insurance.